
This consists in a Rehabilitation program designed for street children who have spent a period of time on the street. For them, we do physical and psycho-social rehabilitation and provide educational support as well as follow up after reintegration.




This consists in the Early Childhood Development (ECD) program for children between 3 and 6 years old who are at high risk of going to the street designed as preventive program. Mostly these children are malnourished, uncared for and sometimes left home alone. Our ECD approach operates as a daycare center from 8 am to 4pm ; we build their parents’ capacity in early childhood stimulation and services, school preparedness, positive parenting and conflict management.


This consists in After-School program (ASP) designed as a preventive program for 7 – 18 years old for cultural and talent development. This consists a range of preventive activities for those children with high risk of going to street. Those activities include football, traditional and modern dances, painting and drawing for talent detection.




A crosscutting and integral Family Strenghening program designed for parents ; we organize a range of parents’ sessions and training on positive parenting, healing, conflicts management and resolution... They are gathered in parents’ self-help groups and associations for capacity building and saving to create IGAs and self-reliance.


The alumni of successfully reintegrated street children in their family and communities by CECYDAR. This initiative intends to build their network among them and a room for experience sharing and learning journey.

Here are some testimonials of Amasonga :

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Support a family

Help us build a house for a homeless family in which our children live after school and family reintegration to prevent them from returning to the streets.


Support a child

Help us continue to provide emergency care, food, shelter, protection, child-friendly spaces, health care, education and other essential materials for children and young people at risk.

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