Supporting deprived families

The families of CECYDAR’s children have serious reasons like poverty, precarious living conditions, death, domestic violence and conflicts which sometimes prevent them from satisfying their children’s basic needs.

When the child returns home, the battle is not won yet. The child must be able to find at home a cocoon in which he can continue to grow and his basics needs like daily meals, access to healthcare and education must be met. He w otherwise be tempted to return to the street, thus we have a great role to help his family learn little by little to forgive their child, better organize their daily duties and activities, change their habit, maintain their homes and help them understand and realize the importance of letting a child go to school. We support them through :

  • Training/Capacity building (holding and management of accounts, business skills , approaching a bank, etc.)
  • Providing micro loans (to set up a small family cooperative business such as breeding, cultivation, etc.)
  • Calling for solidarity from surrounding families (build a solid roof, enlarge a house too small for a large family, build a window, secure the premises, reinforce the fragile earth walls, etc.)
  • Visiting local authorities to actively involve them in the return of the child (we sometimes have a lack of time to explore all the avenues to give the child every chance to return to the path of education).
    Regular monitoring of the former children of CECYDAR (the Amasonga) : this part is essential. A child who is not visited may feel abandoned and return to the street due to lack of motivation. We aim at visiting them regularly to get news, to make sure everything goes well for him/her. Due to lack of time, unfortunately we can not ensure the visits of all the elders.
    It would be great to visit them and get their life updates and report that, but depending on their location, we look for fathers and mothers, currently the members of the Emmanuel Community who provide moral support to those families and children as much as they can.

A child who attends our programs enjoys a healthy and balanced life, he hopes for a bright future that he never used to hope for in his own family , and he has to rely on what he received throughout the program. He must believe that he can cope with his family’s situation.

Let’s help them believe in life in their own family.

Supporting deprived families

Support a family

Help us build a house for a homeless family in which our children live after school and family reintegration to prevent them from returning to the streets.


Support a child

Help us continue to provide emergency care, food, shelter, protection, child-friendly spaces, health care, education and other essential materials for children and young people at risk.

Our partners